First- Fertility news.
CD 22.
Nothing is going on. My chart says I'm 5dpo, but I'm inclined to think it's playing mind games with me. My "Post O" temps are super low, and my cervix is still high, soft, and open.
*sigh* Me no likey the Fertility Blend. I think this cycle is going to be a B U S T.
Then it's off to a 2 month break, losing the weight, so I can gain it again!
Second- Random Blah Blah
Considering today is Sunday, it's mandatory visit the inlaws day. Oh how I loathe this tradition. Today was a little more tolerable than usual because my fav SIL came too, instead of just sending her husband and the kids... (maybe she's on to something with that ;) We get along GREAT because we love to talk trash about the insanity of our husband's family.
She and I were pregnant together last year, and I was so excited to have another close friend to go through pregnancy with!2 of my other best friends were pregnant, and we were all due around 1 week apart. My SIL lost her baby at 13 weeks. I was crushed. This was her 3rd miscarriage in the 2nd tri, and she has had every test done imaginable to determine WHY she continues to miscarry. (Thankfully she does have 2 beautiful healthy children to keep her going) She found out her baby was a girl.
We were both having girls,something few and far between on our husband's sides of the family. She distanced herself from me, understandably, until my daughter was born, and we are now close again. She is Brooklyn's Godmother, and the only one who has EVER kept my daughter overnight. I trust her to care for Brooklyn if something ever happened to me and DH.
But to my point. They decided not to try anymore, as they had no answers as to why she kept miscarrying. No way to prevent it. In the last month, 9 people around her have either given birth or announced their pregnancy. 2 of them being her VERY close family. One of her sisters, and her SIL, both announcing their pregnancy in the last 3 weeks.
I felt an instant pang of guilt when she unloaded this on me today. What if I fall pregnant this month? How will I tell her? I know she is already feeling extremely stressed and depressed because she feels surrounded by the things she can't have. I decided to go ahead and tell her we were TTC. She didn't really respond. I cherish her DEARLY as a friend and I really hope that if, by some iota of a chance we fall pregnant this month, she won't cut herself off from me again.
Third - Braggity Brag Brag
My baby girl is getting SO big! She can drink from a STRAW now! I decided to offer it a few days ago, and she caught right on! Also, as of yesterday, she F I N A L L Y started babbling! BaBaBaBaBa... I never thought I'd hear her say that! DH tries so hard to get a "DaDa" out of her, but she seems content with BaBa for now :)
Also, she is cutting her 7th tooth and just getting CUTER by the day.
Ahh if she was only that little again. *sigh* :)
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